Monday, February 4, 2008

FUNDRAISER: Latin Dance at the Big Red Barn

Here is a fundraising opportunity!

This evening I spoke with Michael Ristorucci, who as some of you may know is a local salsa instructor who throws many events at places such as the Big Red Barn (a grad student venue on Cornell's Campus) Castaway's, and The Haunt, as well as teaching Salsa classes at Cornell.

He has offered to provide FREE DJ SERVICES AND HELP US ORGANIZE an event to fund our trip! It would take place on April 4th at the Big Red Barn on the Cornell Campus.

He estimates with the proper advertising we can raise about $1000 in the evening...and have a lot of fun doing it!
We can also offer culturally-relevant food, and ask for $5-$10 on a sliding-scale for the cause.

If anyone wants to be part of this fundraising event with me, let me know!

See you all soon!


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